Curtis Bright

Welcome! This is the website of Curtis Bright, a mathematician, computer scientist, and assistant professor at the University of Windsor. I received my PhD from the University of Waterloo for demonstrating the effectiveness of combining satisfiability checking and symbolic computation for solving mathematical problems such as the Williamson conjecture. In 2020, I produced the first computer-certifiable resolution of Lam's problem.

The Algorithms & Mathematics group at Windsor is accepting applications for open research positions. See my academic webpage for the kind of problems I work on.


My research focuses on computer-assisted proofs, automated reasoning, symbolic computation, and discrete mathematics. I am the lead developer of the MathCheck project for verifying and finding counterexamples of mathematical conjectures. See my academic webpage for my publications and my curriculum vitae for a summary of my academic career. I have also put together a showcase explaining applications of my research.


A lifelong lover of mathematics, I have a well-versed background in the subject. I'm the kind of guy who thinks that putting an unabbreviated copy of the quartic formula on a poster is a really awesome idea—especially when you understand the mathematics behind the formula. I have an Erdős number of 2 and my writings have been referenced by giants such as Noam Elkies and Ian Stewart.


I've been an instructor of ten undergraduate computer science courses where I was responsible for assignment and exam preparation. I've also taught two graduate courses with a focus on computational mathematics and computer algebra and have designed and presented many tutorials with a focus on data structures, algorithms, and logic. I received a TA award for outstanding performance as a teaching assistant in 2013.


I enjoy the challenge of writing and explaining things clearly. I sometimes blog about ideas of interest to me but these days most of my writing effort is spent on advancing my research program.


I've had a fascination with computers and programming for as long as I can remember. I love the freedom that comes with it, whether that means automating truth table generation, writing an AI for the game of Ataxx, finding minimal prime numbers, or playing a random game of Go. In high school I developed my own version of the game Minesweeper with video recording capabilities; it is still in use by people who play competitively.


Because I have such a dominant ‘left-brain’ personality, I have deliberately made a point to engage in counter-balancing activities. In early 2013 I started dancing salsa and it has since become my primary hobby. I have taught salsa for three university clubs, danced in Romania, Germany, England, Hawaii, and New York, and performed in Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa.


If you feel like discussing one of these topics in more depth, give me a shout!